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 《Exploration of Canada》

1986, Aug. 29  

#1104, Siberian Indians discover and inhabit America, 10,000 B.C.


#1105, Viking settlement, A.D. 1000.


    维京人(Viking)就是北欧海盗,他们从公元8世纪到11世纪一直侵扰欧洲沿海和英国岛屿,其足迹遍及从欧洲大陆至北极广阔疆域,欧洲这一时期被称为“维京时期”(Viking Age)。



#1106, John Cabot lands, 1498.

       意大利航海家 约翰·卡伯特1497年他为英王亨利七世航行到达今天的加拿大,他却以为到了亚洲的东海岸。第二年他到达了今天的美国东海岸。他向英王报告发现了新领土。英王根据他的报告宣称北美大陆属英国所有,为以后英国在美洲的殖民主奠定了法律基础。

#1107, Henry Hudson pioneers Hudson Strait and Bay, 1610.

亨利·哈德逊率领探险队于1610年 6月25日抵达拉布拉多北端的哈得逊海峡,然后在8月2日通过海峡南部,进入哈德逊湾

1987, Mar. 13

Exploration Type of 1986 EXPO ’ Pioneers of New France: 

#1126, Etienne Brule (c. 1592-1633), 1st European to see the Great Lakes.

法国探险家艾蒂·布鲁勒(?tienne Br?lé)于1610年到1612年间第一次探索了五大湖区。

 #1127, Pierre Esprit Radisson (c. 1636-1710) & Medard Chouart des Groseilliers (1625-98), British expedition to Hudson Bay, 1668.


 #1128, Louis Jolliet (1645-1700) & Fr. Jacques Marquette (1637-75) discovering the Mississippi River, 1673. #1129, Recollet wilderness mission, 1615.

1988, Mar. 17

Exploration Type of 1986

18th Cent. explorers of the western territories:

 No. 1199, Anthony Henday, who traveled

the Prairies in 1754 from the Hayes River to Red Deer, Alberta. 

No. 1200, George Vancou ver (1757-1798), who circumnavigated Van couver Is. and explored the Pacific Coast, 1792-94. 

No. 1201, Simon Fraser (1776- 1862), fur trader who discovered and navi- gated the Fraser River. 

No. 1202, John Pal- liser (1807-1887), geographer who deter- mined the topographical boundary between Canada and the US from Lake Superior to the Pacific Coast.

1989, Mar. 22

Exploration Type of 1986

Exploration Type of 1986 Vancouver Explorers of the North:

 No. 1233, Matonab- A549 bee (c. 1737-1782), Indian guide who led 1st 18th Cent. explorers of the western territo- A555 overland European expedition to the Arctic ries: 

No. 1234, Relics of expedition led by the Prairies in 1754 from the existence of the Northwest Passage. No.1235, Relics of the discovery of the Alberta fossil bed by geologist Joseph Burr Tyrrell (1858-1957).

No. 1236, Vilhjalmur Stefansson (1879-1962), American ethnologist who discovered the last uncharted islands in the Arctic s-Archipelago.


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