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一壶清茶 三五知己






2013-04-04 08:02:27|  分类: 【集邮册】 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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加拿大高等院校系列 - 谷雨 - 一壶清茶 三五知己
  Country / Post Canada Date of Issue 28 January 2003 Primary theme Education (Universities)
Subject Bishop's University 1853-2003 Width 36.0 mm Height 44.5 mm Denomination 0.48 CAD Number in set 1 Layout/Format booklet of 8 Perforations 13.3 by 13.3 Stamp issuing authority Canada Post Printer Canadian Bank Note
加拿大高等院校系列 - 谷雨 - 一壶清茶 三五知己
 Country / Post Canada Date of Issue 19 March 2003 Primary theme Education (Universities) 
Subject University of Western Ontario 1878-2003 Width 50.0 mm Height 36.0 mm Denomination 0.48 CAD Number in set 1 Layout/Format booklet of 8 Perforations 13.4 by 13.4 Stamp issuing authority Canada Post Printer Canadian Bank Note
加拿大高等院校系列 - 谷雨 - 一壶清茶 三五知己
 Country / Post Canada Date of Issue 4 April 2003 Primary theme Education (Universities) 
Subject St. Francis Xavier University Width 35.5 mm Height 45.0 mm Denomination 0.48 CAD Number in set 1 Layout/Format booklet of 8 Perforations 13.3 by 13.3 Stamp issuing authority Canada Post Printer Canadian Bank Note
加拿大高等院校系列 - 谷雨 - 一壶清茶 三五知己
 Country / Post Canada Date of Issue 20 June 2003 Primary theme Education (Universities) 
Subject Macdonald Institute (1903-2003) Width 35.5 mm Height 44.5 mm Denomination 0.48 CAD Number in set 1 Layout/Format booklet of 8 Perforations 13.3 by 13.1 Stamp issuing authority Canada Post Printer Canadian Bank Note
加拿大高等院校系列 - 谷雨 - 一壶清茶 三五知己
 Country / Post Canada Date of Issue 4 September 2003 Primary theme Education (Universities) 
Subject Université de Montréal Width 35.5 mm Height 44.5 mm Denomination 0.48 CAD Number in set 1 Layout/Format booklet of 8 Perforations 13.4 by 13.4 Stamp issuing authority Canada Post Printer Canadian Bank Note
加拿大高等院校系列 - 谷雨 - 一壶清茶 三五知己
 Country / Post Canada Date of Issue 4 May 2004 Primary theme Education (Universities) 
Subject Sherbrooke University Width 36.0 mm Height 45.0 mm Denomination 0.49 CAD Number in set 1 Layout/Format booklet of 8 Perforations 13.5 by 13.3 Stamp issuing authority Canada Post Printer Canadian Bank Note

加拿大高等院校系列 - 谷雨 - 一壶清茶 三五知己
 Country / Post Canada Date of Issue 8 May 2004 Primary theme Education (Universities) 
Subject University of Prince Edward Island Width 36.0 mm Height 45.0 mm Denomination 0.49 CAD Number in set 1 Layout/Format booklet of 8 Perforations 13.5 by 13.5 Stamp issuing authority Canada Post Printer Canadian Bank Note
加拿大高等院校系列 - 谷雨 - 一壶清茶 三五知己
 Country / Post Canada Date of Issue 14 February 2005 Primary theme Agriculture & Food 
Education (Universities)
Subject Nova Scotia Agricultural College Width 36.0 mm Height 45.0 mm Denomination 0.50 CAD Number in set 1 Layout/Format self adhesive booklet of 8 Perforations 13 by 13 Stamp issuing authority Canada Post Printer Lowe-Martin

加拿大高等院校系列 - 谷雨 - 一壶清茶 三五知己
 Country / Post Canada Date of Issue 26 September 2006 Primary theme Education (Universities) 
Subject Macdonald College 1906-2006 Width 36.0 mm Height 45.0 mm Denomination 0.51 CAD Number in set 1 Layout/Format self adhesive booklet of 8 Perforations 13 by 13 Stamp issuing authority Canada Post Printer Lowe-Martin
加拿大高等院校系列 - 谷雨 - 一壶清茶 三五知己
 Country / Post Canada Date of Issue 12 March 2007 Primary theme Education (Universities)
Subject HEC Montreal 1907-2007 Width 36.0 mm Height 45.0 mm Denomination 0.52 CAD Number in set 1 Layout/Format self adhesive booklet of 8 Perforations 13 by 13 Stamp issuing authority Canada Post Printer Lowe-Martin
加拿大高等院校系列 - 谷雨 - 一壶清茶 三五知己
 Country / Post Canada Date of Issue 3 April 2007 Primary theme Education (Universities) 
Subject University of Saskatchewan Width 36.0 mm Height 45.0 mm Denomination 0.52 CAD Number in set 1 Layout/Format self adhesive booklet of 8 Perforations 13 by 13 Stamp issuing authority Canada Post Printer Lowe-Martin
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