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一壶清茶 三五知己






2010-12-07 10:21:49|  分类: 【遗产录】 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Member state Element[A] Year Proclaimed[B] Year Inscribed[C] Region[D] Reference
Albania Albanian Folk Iso-Polyphony 2005 2008 ENA [19]
Algeria The Ahellil of Gourara 2005 2008 AST [20]
Argentina The Tango 2009 2009 LAC
Armenia The Duduk and its Music 2005 2008 ENA [21]
Armenia Armenian cross-stones art. Symbolism and craftsmanship of Khachkars 2005 2010 ENA [22]
Azerbaijan The Azerbaijani Mugham 2003 2008 ENA [23]
Azerbaijan The Azerbaijani Carpet 2010 2010 ENA [24]
Azerbaijan, India, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Turkey Nowruz 2009 2009 ENA
Azerbaijan The art of Azerbaijani Ashiq 2009 2009 ENA
Bangladesh Baul Songs 2005 2008 APA [25]
Belarus Rite of the Kalyady Tsars 2009 2009 ENA
Belgium The Carnival of Binche 2003 2008 ENA [10]
Belgium Procession of the Holy Blood in Bruges 2009 2009 ENA
Belgium & France Processional Giants and Dragons in Belgium and France 2005 2008 ENA [26]
Belize, Guatemala, Honduras & Nicaragua Language, Dance and Music of the Garifuna 2001 2008 LAC [27]
Benin, Nigeria & Togo The Oral Heritage of Gelede 2001 2008 AFR [28]
Bhutan The Mask Dance of the Drums from Drametse 2005 2008 APA [29]
Bolivia The Carnival of Oruro 2001 2008 LAC [30]
Bolivia The Andean Cosmovision of the Kallawaya 2003 2008 LAC [31]
Brazil Oral and Graphic Expressions of the Wajapi 2003 2008 LAC [32]
Brazil The Samba de Roda of Rec?ncavo of Bahia 2005 2008 LAC [33]
Bulgaria The Bistritsa Babi – Archaic Polyphony, Dances and Rituals from the Shoplouk Region 2005 2008 ENA [34]
Bulgaria The Nestinarstvo – a Panagyr ritual - fire-dancing rite, on the feast days of Saints Constantine and Helena 2009 2009 ENA
Cambodia The Royal Ballet of Cambodia 2003 2008 APA [35]
Cambodia Sbek Thom, Khmer Shadow Theatre 2005 2008 APA [36]
Central African Republic The Polyphonic Singing of the Aka Pygmies of Central Africa 2003 2008 AFR [37]
China Kunqu opera 2001 2008 APA [11]
China The Guqin and its music 2003 2008 APA [38]
China The Uyghur Muqam of Xinjiang 2005 2008 APA [39]
China China engraved block printing technique 2009 2009 APA
China Chinese calligraphy 2009 2009 APA
China Chinese paper-cut 2009 2009 APA
China Chinese traditional architectural craftsmanship for timber-framed structures 2009 2009 APA
China Farmers’ dance of China’s Korean ethnic group 2009 2009 APA
China Gesar epic tradition 2009 2009 APA
China Grand song of the Dong ethnic group 2009 2009 APA
China Hua’er 2009 2009 APA
China Manas 2009 2009 APA
China Mongolian art of singing: Khoomei 2009 2009 APA
China Nanyin 2009 2009 APA
China Regong arts 2009 2009 APA
China Sericulture and silk craftsmanship of China 2009 2009 APA
China The Dragon Boat Festival 2009 2009 APA
China The Mazu belief and customs 2009 2009 APA
China The art of Chinese seal engraving 2009 2009 APA
China The craftsmanship of Nanjing Yunjin brocade 2009 2009 APA
China The traditional firing technology of Longquan celadon 2009 2009 APA
China The traditional handicrafts of making Xuan paper 2009 2009 APA
China Tibetan opera 2009 2009 APA
China Xi’an wind and percussion ensemble 2009 2009 APA
China Yueju opera 2009 2009 APA
China Beijing opera 2010 2010 APA
China Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine 2010 2010 APA
Colombia The Carnival of Barranquilla 2003 2008 LAC [40]
Colombia The Cultural Space of Palenque de San Basilio 2005 2008 LAC [12]
Colombia Carnaval de Negros y Blancos 2009 2009 LAC
Colombia Holy Week processions in Popayán 2009 2009 LAC
Colombia The Wayuu normative system, applied by the Pütchipü’üi 2010 2010 LAC
Colombia Marimba music and traditional chants from Colombia's South Pacific region 2010 2010 LAC
Costa Rica Oxherding and Oxcart Traditions in Costa Rica 2005 2008 LAC [41]
C?te d’Ivoire The Gbofe of Afounkaha - the Music of the Transverse Trumps of the Tagbana Community 2001 2008 AFR [42]
Croatia Annual carnival bell ringers’ pageant from the Kastav area 2009 2009 ENA [43]
Croatia Gingerbread craft from northern Croatia (Licitar) 2010 2010 ENA [44]
Croatia Lacemaking in Croatia 2009 2009 ENA [45]
Croatia Procession Za Kri?en on the island of Hvar 2009 2009 ENA [46]
Croatia The Sinjska Alka, a knights' tournament in Sinj 2010 2010 ENA [47]
Croatia Spring procession of Ljelje/Kraljice (queens) from Gorjani 2009 2009 ENA [48]
Croatia The festivity of Saint Blaise, the patron of Dubrovnik 2009 2009 ENA [49]
Croatia Traditional manufacturing of children’s wooden toys in Hrvatsko Zagorje 2009 2009 ENA [50]
Croatia Two-part singing and playing in the Istrian scale 2009 2009 ENA [51]
Cuba La Tumba Francesa 2003 2008 LAC [52]
Cyprus Lefkara laces or Lefkaritika 2009 2009 ENA
Czech Republic Slovácko Verbuňk, Dance of Recruits 2005 2008 ENA [53]
Dominican Republic The Cultural Space of the Brotherhood of the Holy Spirit of the Congos of Villa Mella 2001 2008 LAC [54]
Dominican Republic The Cocolo Dance Drama Tradition 2005 2008 LAC [55]
Ecuador & Peru The Oral Heritage and Cultural Manifestations of the Zápara People 2001 2008 LAC [56]
Egypt The Al-Sirah Al-Hilaliyyah Epic 2003 2008 AST [57]
Estonia The Kihnu Cultural Space 2003 2008 ENA [58]
Estonia Seto Leelo, Seto polyphonic singing tradition 2009 2009 ENA [59]
Estonia, Latvia, & Lithuania The Baltic Song and Dance Celebrations 2003 2008 ENA [60]
France Aubusson tapestry 2009 2009 ENA
France Maloya 2009 2009 ENA [61]
France The scribing tradition in French timber framing 2009 2009 ENA
Georgia Georgian Polyphonic Singing 2001 2008 ENA [62]
Greece, Italy, Spain, Morocco The Mediterranean diet 2010 2010 ENA, AFR [63]
Guatemala The Rabinal Achí Dance Drama Tradition 2005 2008 LAC [64]
Guinea The Cultural Space of Sosso-Bala 2001 2008 AFR [65]
Hungary Busó festivities at Mohács: masked end-of-winter carnival custom 2009 2009 ENA
India Kutiyattam, Sanskrit Theatre 2001 2008 APA [66]
India The Tradition of Vedic Chanting 2003 2008 APA [67]
India Ramlila - the Traditional Performance of the Ramayana 2005 2008 APA [13]
India Ramman: religious festival and ritual theatre of the Garhwal Himalayas 2009 2009 APA
Indonesia The Wayang Puppet Theatre 2003 2008 APA [14]
Indonesia The Indonesian Kris 2005 2008 APA [68]
Indonesia The Indonesian Batik 2009 2009 APA [69]
Indonesia The Indonesian Angklung 2010 2010 APA [70]
Iran (Persia) The Radif of Persian music, 2009 2009 APA [71]
Iraq The Iraqi Maqam 2003 2008 AST [72]
Italy Opera dei Pupi, Sicilian Puppet Theatre 2001 2008 ENA [73]
Italy Canto a tenore, Sardinian Pastoral Songs 2005 2008 ENA [74]
Jamaica The Maroon Heritage of Moore Town 2003 2008 LAC [75]
Japan N?gaku Theatre 2001 2008 APA [76]
Japan Ningyo Johruri Bunraku Puppet Theatre 2003 2008 APA [77]
Japan Kabuki Theatre 2005 2008 APA [78]
Japan Akiu no Taue Odori 2009 2009 APA
Japan Chakkirako 2009 2009 APA
Japan Daimokutate 2009 2009 APA
Japan Dainichido Bugaku 2009 2009 APA
Japan Gagaku 2009 2009 APA
Japan Hayachine Kagura 2009 2009 APA
Japan Hitachi Furyumono 2009 2009 APA
Japan Koshikijima no Toshidon 2009 2009 APA
Japan Ojiya-chijimi, Echigo-jofu: techniques of making ramie fabric in Uonuma region, Niigata Prefecture 2009 2009 APA
Japan Oku-noto no Aenokoto 2009 2009 APA
Japan Sekishu-Banshi: papermaking in the Iwami region of Shimane Prefecture 2009 2009 APA
Japan Traditional Ainu dance 2009 2009 APA
Japan Yamahoko, the float ceremony of the Kyoto Gion festival 2009 2009 APA
Jordan The Cultural Space of the Bedu in Petra and Wadi Rum 2005 2008 AST [79]
Kyrgyzstan The Art of Akyns, Kyrgyz Epic Tellers 2003 2008 APA [80]
Lithuania Cross-crafting and its Symbolism 2001 2008 ENA [81]
Madagascar The Woodcrafting Knowledge of the Zafimaniry 2003 2008 AFR [82]
Malawi The Vimbuza Healing Dance 2005 2008 AFR [83]
Malawi, Mozambique & Zambia The Gule Wamkulu 2005 2008 AFR [84]
Malaysia Mak Yong Theatre 2005 2008 APA [85]
Mali The Cultural Space of the Yaaral and Degal 2003 2008 AFR [86]
Mali The Manden Charter, proclaimed in Kurukan Fuga 2009 2009 AFR
Mali The septennial re-roofing ceremony of the Kamablon, sacred house of Kangaba 2009 2009 AFR
Mexico The Indigenous Festivity dedicated to the Dead 2003 2008 LAC [87]
Mexico Places of memory and living traditions of the Otomí-Chichimecas people of Tolimán: the Pe?a de Bernal, guardian of a sacred territory 2009 2009 LAC
Mexico Ritual ceremony of the Voladores: Papantla, El Tajín 2009 2009 LAC
Mexico Mexican cuisine 2010 2010 LAC [88]
Mongolia The Traditional Music of the Morin Khuur 2003 2008 APA [89]
Mongolia & China Urtiin Duu - Traditional Folk Long Song 2005 2008 APA [90]
Morocco The Cultural Space of Jemaa el-Fna Square 2001 2008 AST [91]
Morocco The Moussem of Tan-Tan 2005 2008 AST [92]
Mozambique The Chopi Timbila 2005 2008 AFR [93]
Nicaragua El Güegüense 2005 2008 LAC [94]
Nigeria The Ifá Divination System 2005 2008 AFR [95]
Nigeria Ijele masquerade 2009 2009 AFR
Palestine The Palestinian Hikaye 2005 2008 AST [96]
Peru Taquile and its Textile Art 2005 2008 LAC [15]
Philippines The Hudhud Chants of the Ifugao 2001 2008 APA [97]
Philippines The Darangen Epic of the Maranao People of Lake Lanao 2005 2008 APA [98]
Republic of Korea The Royal Ancestral Ritual in the Jongmyo Shrine and its Music 2001 2008 APA [99]
Republic of Korea The Pansori Epic Chant 2003 2008 APA [16]
Republic of Korea The Gangneung Danoje Festival 2005 2008 APA [100]
Republic of Korea Cheoyongmu 2009 2009 APA
Republic of Korea Ganggangsullae 2009 2009 APA
Republic of Korea Jeju Chilmeoridang Yeongdeunggut 2009 2009 APA
Republic of Korea Namsadang Nori 2009 2009 APA
Republic of Korea Yeongsanjae 2009 2009 APA
Romania The C?lu? Tradition 2005 2008 ENA [101]
Romania Doina 2009 2009 ENA
Russian Federation The Cultural Space and Oral Culture of the Semeiskie 2001 2008 ENA [102]
Russian Federation The Olonkho, Yakut Heroic Epos 2005 2008 ENA [103]
Senegal & Gambia The Kankurang, Manding Initiatory Rite 2005 2008 AFR [104]
Slovakia The Fujara and its Music 2005 2008 ENA [105]
Spain The Mystery Play of Elche 2001 2008 ENA [106]
Spain The Patum of Berga 2005 2008 ENA [107]
Spain Irrigators’ tribunals of the Spanish Mediterranean coast: the Council of Wise Men of the plain of Murcia and the Water Tribunal of the plain of Valencia 2009 2009 ENA
Spain Whistled language of the island of La Gomera 2009 2009 ENA
Tonga The Lakalaka, Dances and Sung Speeches of Tonga 2003 2008 APA [18]
Turkey The Arts of the Meddah, Public Storytellers 2003 2008 APA [108]
Turkey The Mevlevi Sema Ceremony 2005 2008 APA [17]
Turkey Karag?z 2009 2009 APA
Turkey ???kl?k tradition 2009 2009 APA
Uganda Barkcloth Making in Uganda 2005 2008 AFR [109]
Uruguay The Candombe and its socio-cultural space: a community practice 2009 2009 LAC
Uruguay The Tango 2009 2009 LAC
Uzbekistan The Cultural Space of the Boysun District 2001 2008 APA [110]
Uzbekistan Shashmaqom Music 2003 2008 APA [111]
Uzbekistan Katta Ashula 2009 2009 APA
Vanuatu Vanuatu Sand Drawings 2003 2008 APA [112]
Vietnam Nha Nhac, Vietnamese Court Music 2003 2008 APA [113]
Vietnam The Space of Gong Culture 2005 2008 APA [114]
Vietnam The Quan ho folk songs 2009 2009 APA [88]
Vietnam The Giong Festival at Phu Dong and Soc temples, Hanoi 2010 2010 APA [88]
Yemen The Song of Sana’a 2003 2008 AST [115]
Zambia The Makishi Masquerade 2005 2008 AFR [116]
Zimbabwe The Mbende Jerusarema Dance 2005 2008 AFR [117]
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